Area of Study:

History and Political Science

History and Political Science, Bethel College Kansas

Shaping Global Perspectives

Are you interested in a career in law, politics, education or public service, curious about how political systems work and eager to effect social change through political action?

Choosing to study political science at Bethel College is an enriching academic journey that hones strong research skills, enabling you to navigate the complexities of political landscapes with precision. Beyond the classroom, you’ll have the invaluable opportunity to actively engage in politics at various levels, from the local to the national stage.

The major program emphasizes small-class settings that foster vibrant discussions, providing an environment conducive to deep exploration of political theories and dynamics. Through this program, you will unravel how individuals throughout history have wielded politics as a transformative force, influencing and shaping the course of history itself.


Bethel history and political science students have gone on to

  • be lawyers and judges
  • legislative careers
  • jobs with nonprofits
  • teach high school government classes
  • and much more

Area of Study Faculty:

Kip Wedel Photo

Kip Wedel

Associate professor of history