Bethel College

Hire a Thresher

Employment Experiences
Hire a Thresher

You've come to the right place to find employees with the soft skills you need.

Our high-achieving students and graduates

  • possess the very skill set you need.
  • are educated across disciplines.
  • understand responsibility, hard work and time management.
  • are prepared to succeed in many kinds of jobs, not just one.

Let us help you identify the talent – current students or alumni – to bring to your organization. Bethel College utilizes Handshake as our job board. If needed, you’ll find instructions on how to use this free tool in the FAQ section.  

Employment Experiences Community partners

Employment Experiences - Work, Learning, Service

The Bethel College Employment Experiences program is intended to assist students reduce their student loan debt and graduate with high employability skills through meaningful partnerships in the community, and contribute to local economies – by creating pathways for immediate post-graduation employment opportunities. 

How it works

Participating students will be required to work between 5-20 hours/week with a participating employer – or community partner, as we call them. Community partners will be able to search through our pool of applicants and select the student/s they wish to interview or hire. As much as possible, we would like to place students in positions that have some correlation to their major or career goals.

There is a semester fee to hire a student from this program, in lieu of a student paycheck. A portion of this fee will be applied directly to the student’s bill in the form of a tuition assistance grant. The remaining funds will go toward cash stipends (paychecks issued from Bethel’s payroll) for students and an administrative fee.

Employer Benefits!
  • Ability to name the number of hires you’d like
  • Recruit and train talent for a fraction of the cost
  • Bethel will help develop the skills you’re looking for
  • Ease of selection: Review the pool of applicants, and hand-select who you’d like to interview/hire
  • Pipeline for potential employees
  • New perspectives and ideas coming from tomorrow’s leaders

Do you have projects that managers and directors constantly leave on the back burner? 

Tasks still left on the to-do list at the end of each week? Are there daily repetitive tasks that HAVE to be done each day that keep your employees from doing more meaningful work? Do you have gaps in your talent pipeline? Are there positions in your operation that are you struggling to fill?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, the Employment Experiences Program can help!

Are you interested in being a Community Partner? Do you have additional questions? Please complete the short form below, and a member of our team will contact you.

Fall leaves on campus

General FAQ's

What is Handshake?

Handshake is a career platform for students and young alumni. You can use Handshake for the following tasks:

  • Post available jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities
  • Search and view public resumes 
  • Register for Career Fairs
  • Host virtual events that promote your organization
How to register and post jobs to Handshake
  1. VISIT:
  2. REGISTER: Fill out the Registration form and “Sign Up”. You will be asked to enter your recruiting interests and alma mater, agree to the Employer Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.
  3. VERIFY: Handshake will send you a verification email to the email you provided. Verify your account by clicking “Confirm Email” upon receiving it.
  4. CONNECT WITH YOUR COMPANY: After confirming your email, if your company already exists, Handshake should prompt you to connect with your organization. You can also use a search bar to find your company, or click the “Create New Company” button.
  5. CONNECT WITH BETHEL: Use the search bar to find “Bethel College-North Newton” and click the “+” to connect with us!
  6. CONFIRMATION: Your connection will be reviewed by Bethel College Career & Leadership Development staff. Once reviewed, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you that you are now connected with Bethel.
How to post opportunities
  1. POST A JOB: Log in to Handshake and click “Post a Job” on your home dashboard. You will be asked to provide information in regards to the Job Basics, Job Details, and Job Preferences.
  2. SCHOOL SELECTION: On the left side of the screen, you will be able to add schools. Click the “+” next to “Bethel College-North Newton” to add us!
  3. CREATE: Choose “Create” on the bottom navigation to create and review your job. After entering your job details, you can preview your job posting (link is external) as students will see it.
  4. CONFIRMATION: Your job posting will be reviewed by Bethel College Career & Leadership Development staff. Once reviewed and approved, you will receive a confirmation email notifying you that the position will be posted and available to Bethel College students and alumni.