Nursing program receives full accreditation

Two nursing students with a baby mannequin

The Bethel nursing program has successfully completed its most recent accreditation process.

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Bethel College is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (

The accreditation process takes place every 10 years.

“In July, we received full approval from the Kansas State Board of Nursing with no recommendations for improvement,” said Becky Bartell, director of Bethel’s Department of Nursing.

“Earlier in the semester, I received word from CCNE that we have been granted accreditation for another 10 years and that we ‘substantially complied with all four accreditation standards.’”

The accreditation takes effect retroactively, as of Feb. 26, 2024, and extends to Dec. 31, 2034.

The on-site evaluation took place in late February and early March of this year, and the next one will be at approximately the same time in 2034.

A continuous improvement progress report (CIPR) will be submitted at the 5-year mark.

The program is evaluated based on the CCNE Standards for Accreditation of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Programs (2018).

“We are thrilled to see the dedication and hard work of our students, alumni, faculty and staff being recognized,” Bartell said.

“Our nursing program stands out for its excellence, and this was clearly evident to the site visitors.

“This achievement is a testament to the commitment and passion that everyone involved has put into making our program exceptional.”

Bethel is a four-year liberal arts college founded in 1887 and is the oldest Mennonite college in North America. Bethel was the first Kansas college or university to be named a Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center, in 2021. For more information, see