Bethel College

Strategic Plan

“Knowledge is Not Enough” Bethel College Strategic Priorities 2022-27

See additional information related to campus-wide Key Performance Indicators.

This information is available in the Strategic Priority Infographic.

Employment Experiences

Strategic Priority #1

Provide employment services for all students.

Ethos of Service

Strategic Priority #2

Create a sustained ethos of service.

Thresher Media Network

Strategic Priority #3

Increase the visibility of campus life and build community by starting the Thresher Media Network.

Real Estate and Infrastructure

Strategic Priority #4

Identify and complete changes to campus real estate and infrastructure to serve the college and community.

Support Services

Strategic Priority #5

Redesign support services to meet the needs and expectations of a diverse student population.

Redesigned Curricula

Strategic Priority #6

Redesign curricula (e.g., general education and major offerings) so they are consistent with the college mission and respond to diverse student needs and expectations.

Life Cycle System

Strategic Priority #7

Implement a comprehensive stakeholder life cycle system.