Area of Study:


Chemistry, Bethel College Kansas

The Alchemy of Discovery

You’re passionate about explosions, color changes, and working with complex instruments. Deciphering the chemical composition of materials or processes brings you unmatched satisfaction. With your love for the wonders of chemistry, Bethel College is the ideal place for you to explore and thrive in this field.

At Bethel, you, the student, operate the instruments. You’ll be in the lab from the start. If we have an instrument, you will learn to use it.

That means you gain knowledge and skills that employers and graduate schools value. Your undergraduate experience gives you an edge over peers from other schools. The senior research project required of all majors will also add to your resume.

Already visited campus, but want to come back to interview for a science or STEM scholarship? Schedule an interview.

Student Opportunities

Jumpstart your career and gain résumé-building experience.

Careers in Chemistry

We will prepare you to turn knowledge into action.


Preview the classes that will allow you to take your chemistry journey to the next level.

Area of Study Faculty:

Kathryn Layman Photo

Kathryn Layman

Professor of chemistry and physics
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Will Wiebe-Friesen Photo

Will Wiebe-Friesen

Associate professor of chemistry
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