Area of Study:

Bible and Religion

Bible and Religion, Bethel College Kansas

Exploring the “Big Questions”

If you find yourself captivated by church or religious history, you’re the student dedicated to unraveling how we can live compassionately and responsibly. Essentially, you’re drawn to the exploration of ethics. Your curiosity extends to the profound “big questions” – pondering who we are, who God is, and why it all matters.

Suppose you’re intrigued by religious writings, like the Bible, shaping history and influencing contemporary life. Moreover, your passion lies in promoting peace and contributing to peacemaking efforts. And perhaps, in the back of your mind, you’re contemplating pastoral ministry as a potential career path. It is a journey of intellectual and spiritual exploration, embracing the challenges of understanding the past, contemplating the present, and envisioning a purposeful future.

Bethel’s Department of Bible and Religion

  • offers the major or minor, either of which combines effortlessly with other disciplines – for example, business, history, communication arts, social work, music, or biology
  • includes the minor in Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies and the Youth Ministry minor, also designed to mesh well with almost any major
  • is led by faculty who are interested in you and the path you want your studies to follow

Hands-on Learning

The campus has an active spiritual life. Students are responsible for planning and leading a weekly (voluntary) chapel service for the whole campus community. You can be involved in religious organizations such as a Catholic Students group or the Fellowship of Christian Athletes or help plan and carry out informal worship services or Bible study groups with other students.

Student Opportunities

Jumpstart your career and gain résumé-building experience.

Careers in Bible and Religion

We will prepare you to turn knowledge into action.


Preview the classes that will allow you to take your spiritual pursuits to the next level.

Area of Study Faculty:

Peter Goerzen Photo

Peter Goerzen

Assistant professor of Bible and religion
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Trenton Voth Photo

Trenton Voth

Assistant professor of Bible and religion
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