Co-Curricular Annual Report Public Summaries
(Full reports available in the H Drive under Assessment Committee)
This year’s assessment report for the athletic department displays growth within the assessment structure and the overall athletic department as a whole. The data that was collected is more detailed and accurate, which allows us to learn and grow in several areas with more purpose. The overall success of our student-athletes within competitions improved which several awards can see. Most notably, our Women’s Soccer team received the KCAC All-Conference Champions of Character award, given to only one female team within the conference. As the athletic department continues to grow in volume of student-athletes, being specific about what we are assessing and how we are assessing it will be essential. For this reason, we will need to generate more specific detailed numbers that accurately reflect the graduation rates of our student-athletes for each specific sport and the overall department. With increased numbers of athletes, communicating the importance of student-athletes and team GPAs above 3.0 will be vital. Finally, the champions of the character scorecard will continue to be an influential standard by which we strive to evaluate ourselves. We achieved the gold standard again this past year, but it was much more challenging to achieve this because of the increase in behavior (2) ejections we had of student-athletes. We have attempted to stress the importance of proper behavior in our athletics departments early this year. Overall the growth seen was impactful for our department and college. We must continue to seek to improve areas in which we are evaluating currently and then seek to find new or improved ways to evaluate our programs in different areas.
Career Services
Career Services’ goals were not met for FY18-19; however, these numbers are up from previous years. Data collection before FY19-20 has been incomplete and relatively inconsistent. I plan to keep an up-to-date spreadsheet that includes what services each student receives when they visit Career Services. I also plan to change my advertising strategy for the department by utilizing Convocation announcements more frequently, as well as partnering with other departments, faculty members, and coaches.
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is actively listening and looking to improve the racial and gender equity environment on campus. All the initiatives are created to bolster awareness of oppression and privilege.
- The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, working in partnership with other areas of the college, is committed to increasing the diversity of faculty and staff and creating different resources that assure inclusivity on campus.
- The Office of Diversity and Inclusion will increase the resources for students to learn about forms of privilege and oppression and how to recognize and avoid replicating these systemic issues. Students can apply this experience to their daily lives by being active in different student clubs and organizations.
Student Life
2018-19 was a transition year for the Student Life Team, but the Team started the academic year 2019-2020 fully staffed. We have decided to start from scratch in the development of new goals and new assessment plans for the year 2019-2020. Significant time and discussion have already been invested in the coordination of short and long-term goals, learning objectives, timelines, and benchmarks, all in an effort to stay on course and keep assessment ongoing the whole year. The Student Life Team has already completed some data collection; there will be monthly check-ins to move forward as a team and reach our assessment goals.
Academic Co-Curricular:
Center for Academic Development
Initial assessment indicators show that the CAD effectively supports students in achieving their academic goals. Data also indicate that the CAD is reaching its goal in the number of students served. We are working to collect data to demonstrate the effectiveness of our tutoring staff. This will be an area of improvement in the 2019-2020 academic year.
Following changes in staffing at the end of 2018-19, librarians have developed a new assessment plan for 2019-20, with a new goal and new student learning outcomes. In 2019-20, we will be looking to see what our assessments tell us about whether our students are meeting the program goal. Data will be reviewed at the end of the academic year and assessments will be adjusted based on the outcomes.
To this point (Fall 2019) in the history of Bethel College, there has been no assessment mechanism in place by which the activities of The Collegian have been measured, so we are just beginning data collection. However, the goals, outcomes, instruments, and objectives listed within this report clearly indicate that Collegian leaders are committed to an assessment mindset. We are confident that engaging in annual assessment activities will assist us in enhancing the quality of the actual product (the student-run newspaper) that we produce and the co-curricular experience we provide to those students who serve as Collegian staff members. We anticipate that the 2019-2020 assessment report will prove revealing and assist us in our goal of consistent improvement.
Presented to Bethel College Faculty on November 19, 2019