Bethel College is committed to providing an affordable education to all students. Loans and loan debt can be barriers to education for some. To minimize out-of-pocket costs for students, we build a financial aid package based on the individual. All students receive an academic scholarship and an additional scholarship from Bethel.
We believe the first jobs after graduation are often what sets a career in motion. Receiving the Career Choice Commitment—Loan Assistance Repayment Program (LRAP) means less pressure to select a job to be focused on loan repayment and more freedom to be focused on career development.
We want you to be able to pursue your career after graduation without student loans standing in your way. Whether you’ve chosen a career path that positively contributes to society but only earns a modest salary, or you’ve yet to secure a rewarding position in an industry of interest, we want our graduates to succeed, both personally and professionally, after graduation.
- If offered, the Career Choice Commitment will serve as a loan repayment safety net provided through Bethel to students at no cost to you or your family.
- Once employed after graduating from Bethel, if you earn less than $48,000 per year, we’ll help repay your loans until you make more than $48,000 or until your loans are paid off.
How much does the College Choice Commitment cost?
Bethel College invests in you to offer this at no cost to you or your family.
What’s the catch?
There’s no catch. There are several stipulations that include: you must sign the contract (you’ll receive via email, if offered), you must take out (a) loan(s), you must graduate from Bethel College within 6 years, you must be employed at least .75 FTE within 18 months of graduation.
This will help me in the future for sure… I was scared of having debt after college and having to pay my debt off on my own. Now with LRAP, I feel better about my future.
Career Choice Commitment recipient, Class of 2024